5 Responses to “Lentils & Eggplant”


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  1. ah! It all looks so good. Your salad and the dessert are my favorite parts. Simple desserts are always best.

  2. You had me at FETA! This recipe looks delicious.

  3. two of my favorite ingredients 🙂 i love the addition of bulghar too…it has such a great texture!

  4. Everything you make always looks so beautiful. You present everything very nicely. You have a great touch! I love to bake and creating my displays is one of my favorite parts of the process.

    I make a similar dessert using bite-sized pieces of pound cake or angel food cake. I never thought to use graham cracker. I’ll have to give it a try! 🙂

  5. YUM! If I lived in Philly I would invite you to my parties ALL THE TIME! haha!

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