4 Responses to “Nonna's Diet Tips”


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  1. loveofoats

    awww that is too cute for your nonna to give you those tips 🙂

    however i think if i ate just that all day i’d pass out, so i give her tons of credit for maintaining such a healthy lifestyle!!!

  2. Irbas


    haha well… she eats mostly that but then also eats sweets even though she’s not supposed to! and tons of bread! but she never mentions THAT part to me hahaha!

  3. ChocolateCoveredVegan

    What a terrific post. No wonder your Nonna has been able to live so long. She eats healthily but doesn’t stress about treating herself. So many people in today’s world (especially in the blogs I’ve come across) are obsessed with being 100% healthy 100% of the time that they’ve taken it to an unhealthy level– NO sugar, no oil, no carbs… the stress is sure to kill them before an innocent little bit of heart-healthy olive oil! My Italian grandmother (Mimi) is the same way as your grandmother. She’s 84, but you’d never know it!

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